Grand Water Trine weekend

Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday That Mercury Trine Neptune square Mars energy had me in a whirlwind of a tizzy all day. 

The Moon is now in the last sign of watery sensitive spiritual Pisces for the whole weekend.

pisces rebirth art Tara Greene Napoleon Brousseau

painting by Napoleon Brousseau

We had easy sextiles yesterday from the moon which continue a bit into October 20 in EDT and GMT

Pisces MOON sextiles Saturn in Capricorn at night so expect serious dreams about buildings your dad or authority figures.

Moon builds that Grand Water trine with Venus Retrograde in Scorpio in the wee hours

your dreams may be very romantic, sexy, or frightening under this aspect. You may dream out departed loved ones too.

A Pisces moon time makes us ultra-sensitive psychic sponges so make sure you have proper shields up.

Moon also trines Neptune in the evening

A romantic date night,  go see music, make music, dance, art galleries are all in the mix under this aspect. It is very good for testing your telepathic connections with people too. Be careful of how much you drink or smoke or ingest under a Pisces Moon your judgement is not usually grounded. Expect to feel everything.

Moon trines Mercury in Scorpio in late night PDT and October 21 in EDT and GMT

Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn

to help us dream big conquering the business world dreams which we must lay out practically.

Moon then trines Jupiter in Scorpio at night. Actually 4:47 pm PDT/ 7:47 pm EDT and 11:47 pm GMT then the Moon is Void of Course.

This has been a Triple Grand water trine weekend

Crying, swimming, sailing, scrying, merging emotionally, finding your soul mate, understanding how to work with your intuition, flowing, painting, poetry, dreaming, imagining, inventing, feeling lost and in the fog is all part of these energies.

Moon in conjuncts SUN in PDT/ Monday the 22nd in EDT and GMT

We are feeling out of touch with our source, We can be grump hungover and out of sorts.

Moon conjuncts Chiron the Wounded Healer in PDT/ OCT 22 in EDT and GMT

Under this Venus Retrograde in Scorpio its like the Dark night of the heart of the soul.

There be a lot of weeping and wailing going on. Its ok to touch your greatest fears and vulnerabilities now. doing so is the very healing balm that will cure you. go deep, deeper than you ever imagined. You are destined to come out the other side finally.

And two minutes before midnight in PDT the Moon enters ARIES 

Float freely downstream this weekend.Speaking of psychic things.

I will be doing tarot numerology and astrology readings at  WITCHFESTNORTH in Toronto from 2-5:00 pm at Trinity Saint Paul’s Church 427 Bloor Street West. of Spadina.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with me





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