Invoking Scorpio moon dream rituals

VENUS Goddess of Love beauty sex and relationships is in GEMINI. Gemini is the sign of Duality and the LOVERS #6 of the Tarot Major Arcana or Trump Cards.  The lovers years to be one whole being united and inseparable but distinct and that is what this planetary aspect is all about today. 

This makes Venus two times as sexy two times as seductive and doubles up the Love.


Its mysterious mystical and magical 

Scorpio Moons arouse deep passions. The Scorpio Moon trine to Neptune invokes magical dreamy narcotic escapist magic carpet flights of fantasy galore. 

July 30 at 11:29 pm EDT a magical number I would get your alters and your cast iron cauldrons out ladies and gents to work some major mojo magic love spells. 

The Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse 1886

Get your rose petals and blue-green aquamarine jewels cloth candles and some copper pennies fresh flowers scented water for Lady love VENUS. 


You could use tin as a metal with Neptune as the sign of Pisces is traditionally governed by expansive planet JUPITER. 

Incense or Aromatherapy oils:

Musk, Benzoin, Sandalwood and Rose.


Lobelia morning glory night blooming jasmine pine cone water lily beladonna and sea weeds. 

As the higher octave of Venus Neptune dissolves all boundaries between souls and spirits and unites them back to their original oneness. Neptune is the source of emotions and divine love and soul mates. Also use this combo for forgiveness and to let go of a past love.

SCORPIO attributes

Rules the parathyroid  the pineal and toxins reproductive organs. 

black tourmaline topaz malachite jasper bloodstone serpentine brass

camphor and date palms are associated with the 8th sign


 basil heather horehound bramble bean leek blackthorn  wormwood/absinthe

Pick and choose what you have and what you can work with. You can also draw images of these plants and label them. Intention is everything. You are the sourceress or magician.

Meditate on the deepest sexual meaning of the soul and its connection to the higher self and the souls journey.

This is a wonderful time to practice tantric sexuality. Meditating and holding the position without moving going beyond the body and ego boundaries and experiencing sexual mental emotional  spiritual BLISS.  Send that energy out hold that orgasmic energy and ride it. This is how universes are created. 

“Isis “by Yaroslav-Gerzhedovich

Dream deeply this night on this magical energy. LUCID DREAMS guaranteed. INvite owl into your dream scape.

Please let me know what your dreams bring you. Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. 

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