5 ways to be a Love Goddess with Venus in Taurus

VENUS enters earthy, sensuous. sign of beauty, TAURUS, her Feminine home sign where she is in her glory from  June 6- July 4th. 

That’s one whole month to smell those roses and enjoy being a living Goddess in the Garden of Eden. Especially for Taurus and Libra, this is YOUR time.

VENUS is the GODDESS herself, She loves sex and love. She is the Queen of romance. She is sensuality, flirty, romantic, artsy, creative energy. She has great taste and loves beautiful things. She wants the best of everything.

 Venus makes a 5 pointed star pattern in her cyclical orbit and that is the pentagram of VENUS. Cut open an apple and see Venus’s pentagram symbol there.  

On June 6 2012 Venus made a very rare crossing in front of the SUN. This won’t happen again until another 125 years. 

5 things to do to make LOVE WORK with Venus in Taurus

  1. Turn on your Venusian sex appeal. Indulge in being the beautiful Goddess. Stand in front of a mirror and say I am the Goddess of love beauty and abundance five times. Dress the part. Believe that you are the most desirable irresistible woman in the world and you can attract any man or anything you want.
  2.  Bring more beauty and self-esteem into your life.Not just all about buying pretty clothes and makeup. Bring real beauty, earthy beauty, beauty from inside, real self-esteem. Know you are beautiful and valuable and priceless. Learn to love being the Goddess. Treat your body like a temple. Get thee to a spa, get massages, roll around naked in the grass. Tell your woman friends how beautiful they are. See beauty everywhere you go.  Decorate your home with fresh flowers, incense, aromatherapy. In classical mythology, Venus was irresistible while wearing her sacred girdle or corset. 
  3. 3. Fall in love. Passion is high.Simply fall in love with yourself or anyone. Venus loves to flirt. Love the one you’re with. 4. Be creative, start painting, singing, dancing, toning, acting, gardening, buy art, learn about art, take art classes or photography. 4. Let your creative juices flow. This can manifest in many ways. Get some watercolor paper and watercolors. Just paint from instinct, close your eyes and choose from your intuition. Dance authentically. Sing, Tone or chant mantras. Taurus rules the Throat. Masturbate. Think erotically. Get your own juices going. Orgasms are healthy. Women use crystal dildos these days. Use your imagination. 

    5. STOP and smell the ROSES, this is important in an overly busy world. Be here in the Garden of Eden. Practice Gratitude. Do take time to enjoy with all of your 6 senses all the pleasures, smells, tones, sounds, of the beauty of the earth. Really practice it when you eat when you cook when you make love. This is all S_L-O-W hand love making. Forget about time. 

Venus in Taurus is ROCK SOLID, REAL. Let’s get physical. Yes, they can be lazy couch potatoes lounging on chaise’s eating bonbons. While VENUS is in TAURUS it’s very easy to TRUST YOUR GUT instincts.

Venus in Taurus favors all Artists and Musicians -all creative, hands-on stuff- resources, money, IY.

TAurus VEnus art Napoleon Brousseau

Painting by Napoleon Brousseau  http://www.napob.com

VENUS in the TAROT is the EMPRESS # 3 Trump


Traditionally imaged as a pregnant Queen on her Throne in a beautiful garden. This is Venus in TAURUS.

VENUS MAGICAL attributes:

Her day is FRIDAY. VENUS’s metal is copper. Her colors are greens and blues. 

Gemstones: Pearls and Emeralds and pink stones, rose quartz.

Essentials Oil. Cardamom, Rose, Ylang-Ylang. 

Her birds are the doves, and the swans, sparrows, swallows and geese.  

Fishes, pigs, and rabbits are her sacred animals.

The apple is her sacred fruit as well as pomegranates.

Where is TAURUS in your Natal chart?  What sign is it in and what house and what aspects is it making? That’s where and how according to the house, all the love goodies and beauty self-worth and money issues will be affecting you. I will write full horoscopes tomorrow. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Bring your Goddess self to my WORKSHOP at the beautiful GRAIL SPRINGS WELLNESS CENTRE in Bancroft Canada June 23-24 

This is one of the top 10 healing Hotels in the World!

My popular workshop INTO THE MYSTIC  is a 2-night intro into the magic of the tarot, numerology, dreamwork, ceremony, and ritual. IIt’s on a NEW MOON in CANCER right after Summer SOLSTICE. A magical time for setting new intentions. Womb cleansing, sacred fire ceremony. I  offer private readings at these events. Treat yourself. The Grail is an awesomely beautiful and healing. http://www.grailsprings.com/  

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

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