Seeing red, Retrograde alerts!

The Aries New Moon energy lasts 3 days Match 27-28 or before you see the first sliver of a waxing Crescent Moon. Stay in that still dark Void space over the next 3 days to gain wisdom and direction. It is a RED TENT time for the world.

Red Tent New Moon astrology Tara Greene


March 28 Speaking of RED, Tuesday is MARS Day, the RED planet.

The Aries Moon, ruled by Mars, is forming those CARDINAL crosses to Pluto, opposing Jupiter in LIBRA and conjunction Uranus. These produce tensions as we all know. Especially for those who have planets Angles at 13-28 degrees Cardinal signs.

The tension is building up to March 30th Jupiter-PLUTO square.

Should I stay or should I go? Is what leaped into my mind.  More on that later. This is another part of the long-term breakdown of communications, honesty, secrets and, power and control in Governments, about radiation, poisons, toxic garbage, and that which has outworn its use. 

RETROGRADE HEADS UP!Retrograde red alert astrology Tara Greene

Three planets turn RETROGRADE in APRIL 

MERCURY goes RETROGRADE April9/10 – May 3rd

Mercury Turns RETRO for the second time this year, @ 4+ degrees TAURUS. April 10 is also a FULL MOON in LIBRA. Mercury has been in its “shadow zone” which is the degrees that the planet retrogrades between since March 16th. If you are feeling communication snafu’s already this is why. Mercury goes back into ARIES April 20th, driving backward looking into a rear-view mirror and turning Direct @ 24+ degrees ARIES squaring URANUS and ERIS! It will take MERCURY until May 20/21 to be able to move ahead again.

SATURN turns RETROGRADE APRIL 5 @ 27+ degrees SAGITTARIUS until August 25th

Red alert Georgia O'Keefe artist Tara Greene

Saturn spends about 5 months retrograde every year.  Moving back from his conjunction to the GALACTIC CENTER, the source of the mother’s milk, the milk which spurted from the greek Goddess Hera’s breasts which flew across the skies. While Saturn is Retrograde in SAGITTARIUS we will see the issues affected by Saturn in Sag. get reviewed.

On a personal level you can go back and finish any task which takes patience, persistence, determination, hard-work and which has long-lasting effects on career, education, traveling, publishing, teaching, religion, seniors rights or testifying. Saturn Retrogrades back to 21+ Sagittarius. and leaves SAGITTARIUS on December 19th near the WINTER SOLSTICE in Northern Hemisphere, Summer SOLSTICE down under. 

NOTE THIS DATE: SATURN leaves SAGITTARIUS officially for the next 28-29 years and will remain in Capricorn until 2020. 

PLUTO TURNS Retrograde April 20 -SEPTEMBER 28

Pluto goes home to his home in the underworld for 5 months every year.  While Pluto is Retro everything that this planet, which I believe will be renamed as a Planet turns back to re-obsess about, sex, money, power. On the global level issues about big banks and government, nuclear energy, Plutocrats, control, and secrets turns back on itself.  We will be reviewing, reversing, reimplementingand renewing our personal soul searching power points, and redressing issues around the misuse of power in the outside world. 

APRIL has  5 RETROGRADE planets, Jupiter and VENUS are already RETRO.

VENUS turns DIRECT in PISCES on APRIL 15 @ 26+ Pisces. 

Expect things to be turtle paced in: the love, money, expansion,

MERCURY RETRO: Taurus-Aries:  communications, analysis, computers, thinking, material assets, real estate, the stock market. 

VENUS RETRO: Aries-Pisces: love, money, relationships, creativity, women in general, weddings, interior design, fashion and beauty, spirituality, dreams, intuition, artists.

JUPITER RETRO: in Libra: relationships, justice, communications, peace, travel, social life, marriages, legal,system, beauty, women.

SATURN RETRO: SAGITTARIUS: Repealing of laws, judges, education system, politics, religion, foreigners, immigrants, travel, publishing, truth, honesty, open spaces, humor, fathers, elderly, pensioners, philosophers, Patriarchs. 

PLUTO RETRO: CAPRICORN: Re-examination of politics, Plutocrats, those in power, super wealthy, secrets revealed. power manipulators, the 1%, career instability, job losses, leaving existing structures behind. On a personal level re-examining your souls’ desires. 

Use these RED LETTER dates well.

Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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