Aries New Moon, Lilith Trine Venus

March 27 The New Moon in ARIES is very VENUSIAN for a MARS ruled sign.

Aries New Moon Tara Greene astrology

Dream caused by the flight of a bee (1944) DALI

The first sign of the Zodiac marks a new cycle, a new beginning, starting now on thisDark Moon with VENUS RETROGRADE conjunct the SUN. Venus is NOT going totally underworld right now she is too high in declination. She is both morning and evening star now. We need to think on that.

LILITH the Dark Goddess in SAGITTARIUS trining Retro Venus in ARIES. 

Lilith governs all New or Dark moons and this brings an especially powerful element for all women to utilize Lilith’s KALI-like uncompromising energies. What isn’t loving towards a woman must go. No ifs and’s or buts about it. 

LILITH also squares the NORTH Node in VIRGO and the SOUTH NODE in PISCES

The fates are working their triple Goddess energies here in the realms of us mere mortals. Lilith to the North Node in VIRGO about getting practical, humble and taking back our food supllies, our need for our work to also serve us and others, and to take care of the environment, stay grounded, get real. What is your work serving? At NEW MOON in ARIES this is a new beginning a reset button. START from GO. Go back to the beginning of you need to.

The powerful JUPITER PLUTO Square is approaching

IT’s Exact on March 30th. This is a big power play. Good luck trying to find some peace harmony and balance. Pluto in CAPRICORN is the Plutocrats running governments and corporations.  Justice, legal issues, equal rights are all major issues in our minds these days as symbolized by these planets. Trump is showing us the dark side of Pluto. Try to stay balanced within yourself. Of course this aspect also brings in the URANUS-ERIS conjunction too. CHAOS is the new norm.  IF you have planets at these CARDINAL 15-25 degrees you are being personally affected. 


Saturn at the Galactic center is transmitting higher consciousness and the ability to go into the void and become nothing. This is the goal of Tibetan Buddhism. You are NOT your wounds. Your wounds are very real,and the sins of the fathers need to be addressed in the larger scale of a crazy society and Patriarchal culture run amok. 

SATURN trine URANUS-ERIS also helps us to see a much bigger picture and a higher consciousness. At the same time, Saturn makes sure we feel the 3rd Dimensional heavy, leaden, weight of our earthly plane karma. In PISCES we are at the last sign. It is time for us to clean up our personal messes.  Chiron will leave Pisces to start his journey in ARIES on April 17, 2018.

CHIRON In PISCES is the last and most spiritual sign. It is the sign of endings, forgiveness, compassion, meditation, yoga, institutions, mental health, dreams, drugs,self-undoing, and merging with source. Chiron will leave Pisces to start his journey in ARIES on April, 2018 but he will retro back and forth for awhile and will be finally in Aries from Feb 18, 2019- with a brief jog into Taurus in 2026, but finally leaves ARIES on April 14, 2027. We want to make sure we really use CHIRON’s placement in PISCES now to clear all of our old psychic, emotional, karmic and past life issues.  It’ll be another 50 years before Chiron is in Pisces again.

VENUS RETRO will help us to do this. Make a safe sacred space or alter to do this work in. It would be a good time to make a list of all the lovers you have had. Think about which ones actually and really loved you. The ones who did not, or who abused you, emotionally, sexually, mentally or spiritually, think of and write down their names. Maybe you don’t know their names its ok. Write down a memory trigger of the incident. Bring up the emotions while sitting in your safe container. Let all the feelings, whether its rage anger, jealousy, revenge, sorrow, hatred, and love come up but do contain these emotions. Have a bowl and matches and water nearby. When you feel ready, say out loud, or in your heart, whatever words you have to say to release these people into their own space and you into yours. Do this from as neutral emotional space as you can. I know this part may be hard. Take the name written on the paper and burn it in the fire. As you see their name and energy burn, know that this person’s connection to you is being transmuted. Wish them no harm. Wish them to find their light. You don’t have to force feelings of forgiveness. Do this for each person. This may lead to bringing up more emotions and deeper layers but now is the best time to clear through these old emotions. 


It’s easy to ground our dreams  our faith and our hopes under this aspect. Mars in Taurus rules the sign of ARIES, and he is keeping it real. Mars in Taurus wants stability, reliability, and is stabilizing the usually very spontaneous Arian energies. 

Venus and MARS are in mutual reception. The Feminine and the Masculine are exchanging their energies. The Feminine is more driven, more confident, more independent in Aries. The old system of rulerships said that Venus is in detriment when in Aries, which is Mars sign. There is a sexism to that. Mars is vice versa in VENUS’s sign. The Masculine is learning to be more feminine, more stable, trustworthy, sensuous, the counterpart of the Goddess. In Ancient Crete bare-breasted,wasp-waisted, corset-wearing women with long braids road the bulls which they worshipped.  That was inthe AGE of TAURUS. 

Taurus Bull leaping Knossos Crete Tara Greene

This New Moon is a moon of passion, new loves and new drives. We are still in extraordinary tense times. Think about where you want to be a year from now. There will be 13 moons to live through. Start a journal to mark each New Moon and to sit in ceremony at each one. Always give thanks for future blessings already on the way though maybe unseen.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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5 thoughts on “Aries New Moon, Lilith Trine Venus

  1. 1. On Thursday, I programmed before bed to see owls and meet Lilith or Minerva. I had a dream – walked into a counselor’s office, lucidly imagined owls behind her, then realized my counselor was Lilith!
    2. Looks like I’ll be having my Chiron in Aries return soon.


  2. Pingback: Luna Nueva En Aries – Blog de Astrología y Calendario Maya

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