Dark Venus Alchemy with the Sun

Venus is Retrograde and moving quickly to her next STAR POINT in her pentagram shaped cycle. On March 25/26, Venus, now invisible in the skies, is in in her dark, Black, New Moon or negrido phase, the alchemical term. VENUS in ARIES is getting all beautified for her rendezvous with APOLLO, the Sun God. She weds and beds the SUN in an ALCHEMICAL SACRED MARRIAGE.  This symbol ensured wholeness, fertility and exchange of energies. That Alchemical marriage is the Tarot card of TEMPERANCE #14 major Arcana in the TAROT. 

Venus in ARIES symbolizes LOVE OF SELF.

Yes, selfies is one way to put it. Aries is the  “I AM”  sign. The mantra would be “I am love, I am that I am. I am a Warrior Goddess.” Note the movie Wonder Woman coming out soon, which is VENUS in ARIES, another synchronicity with Hollywood. 

Venus is under MARS’ rule as she is in his home sign. Mars is in TAURUS, which is VENUS’s sign. The two planets of sex and relationships are in each other pants, er houses. This is called mutual reception,just like it sounds, they partake of each others qualities.

Temperance #14 tarot trump Alchemy Tara Greene

#14 Temperance or Alchemy/ Art Thoth Tarot 

Venus in ARIES is strong, powerful, independent, needs no man to protect her. MARS in VENUS’s sign learning to be more feminine, receptive, sensuous, creative, earthy, adoring the Goddess. The Taurean Age was the Age of the Goddess-worshipping and Bull or cow worshipping cultures world-wide. In Crete, in Egypt, in India, Taurus, the Bull or cow was considered the animal sacred to the Goddess, because its horns symbolized the waxing and waning crescents of the Moon.  These are all excellent symbols of alchemical renewal, a rebalancing of the opposites and the roles the Feminine and the Masculine have been defined by. WE NEED THIS NOW> 

Venus Turned Retrograde at 13+ degrees Aries= 14.  The SABIAN SYMBOL,

“A Serpent coiling near a man and a woman. ” This is the story of LILITH in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Genesis is a prime myth in Patriarchal culture which was designed to take away women’s sexuality and power which Lilith symbolizes.

Venus turned Retrograde with LILITH at 2 degrees SAGITTARIUS squaring the NORTH and SOUTH NODES of the MOON. This is a fateful symbol as well as the turning point in Lilith’s cycle of truth, independence, education and Justice. 

VENUS Star Point March 25/26 @ 5 degrees ARIES is opposite SUPER GALACTIC CENTER and trines {120 degrees}  LILITH in SAGITTARIUS.. 

LILITH is helping women and Men symbolized by the SUN, to come to consciousness about the DARK GODDESS, about the negated aspect of women’s sexuality and power in order to bring a new respect honor and balance into relationships. 

The SGC, M87, @ 2 degrees 3 minutes of LIBRA, is a supermassive BLACK HOLE with the mass of 30 trillion Suns, though 90% of it remains invisible. Black Holes suck all light and matter into themselves, they are the great voids/ wormholes/cosmic vaginas of space/time. They symbolize the SUPER GREAT MOTHER.

Read more about the SGC https://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2016/09/18/jupiter-super-galactic-center-dance/

VENUS =Women and Love is in the darkness. Darkness has always been associated with magic, mystery, the feminine, the unknown, the void, the womb, death, rebirth. The Dark was always considered sacred and safe up until Patriarchal times.  With the ascent of SOLAR GODS like Apollo, who were once the Goddess’s consorts or brothers, the SUN, the Masculine Light of Consciousness, and literacy, dominated the magical, intuitive, feeling nature of the heart and the Feminine.

Darkness began to be feared.  A split in the psyche associated darkness with fear, loss, the hag, crone, witch, isolation, separation, negativity, madness, demons, depression { Saturn} and the shadow.  The dark or negrido blackened phase is important. It is when Inanna is turned into rotting meat in the Underworld. It is PERSEPHONE’s archetypal journey into HADES. all part of the entire journey and one part is no better than another and all are dependent on each phase in order for wholeness to be achieved.

The dark is a phase of quiet, of retreat, of stillness, of sitting in the void, it is a liminal time. It is the holding of the breath, the unknown space between the inhale and the exhale. 

Venus is not actually Dark as she joins the SUN. She is like the image of the Goddess in the Book of Revelations, the woman clothed in the SUN. 

Barney, Woman Clothed with Sun 1904

a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars” (12:1). … Then there is “a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns …Dark Venus is associated with dark matter, she is not a reflection of the Sun, she becomes the Sun as she consummates the sacred Marriage. She is as strong as the SUN, although much smaller, and she is one with the LIGHT again.  This is a huge symbolic love feast between the Goddess and her Masculine counterpart. 

During the next three days think about what VENUS as you, the Love Goddess preparing for her big Wedding Night. You are the Goddess ready to meet her Sol Mate. 

Review your past relationships; your lovers. How were you loved? or not. How did you love? Could you receive love?

Review your values; Venus represents money and Luxury, re-evaluate your relationship to luxury and abundance and the Light, it is based on your self-worth. 

Review the life scripts and Karmic Patterns you play out in all relationships; as daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, mother, aunt.

Review what your heart truly longs for. 

Allow your yearning to unite with the Beloved to be strong. Venus is filled with light, consciousness, she is brilliant, fiery, a living flame, super hot, dangerous, burning with desire, wild, unknown, passionate, independent, demanding. Allow yourself to become VENUS, to become desire as the SOURCE of your life by bringing light and LOVE to all the dark shadows and fear.

The SUN is VENUS’s lover, he loves all parts of her. He loves her shadows, her beauty, her strength, her power.

The Union of Venus with the SUN symbolizes a Tantric union. One which is energetically and spiritually always going on. The love of the Goddess and the God for one another is the very nature of Creation and the Universe. 

CHANDRA SYMBOL for Aries 5: A woman harvesting rose petals to make perfume. 

(Degree Angel: MAHASIAH (mah-HA-see-YAH) Healing, Rectification)

Your loving and positive intentions can be a healing balm to yourself and others. You have the ability to stay attuned to a spiritual wavelength which simplifies, harmonizes and elevates the atmosphere around you. To the extent that you can just be yourself all negativity falls away and your path opens clearly before you.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees’ kissing.” So many kisses, so many rose petals – the drop by drop accumulation of love which gradually accumulates a focus of spiritual light in the physical realm. The hardness of stone meets the softness of a kiss and finally, at last, the stone disappears, is worn away, just as, also, the fragrance of divine love as embodied in the rose distills itself into a healing balm.

Pleiadian Symbol: Gently a feather falls from the sky, settling on a gigantic pyramid.

Seed Degree: Taurus 19. A bottle of gold dust The SUN = GOLD, gathered from many places over many years.  The gold gathered is transmuted into a higher form – love, whose healing fragrance is once again dispersed.

The symbol is so perfect. Venus pentagram cycleVenus makes a rose pattern in her cycle.
Please share widely so that more people can benefit. 
Get a reading to find out how the Venus-Sun conjunction affects your love and values   http://www.taratarot.com

3 thoughts on “Dark Venus Alchemy with the Sun

  1. Review what your heart truly longs for.

    Allow your yearning to unite with the Beloved to be strong. Venus is filled with light, consciousness, she is brilliant, fiery, a living flame, super hot, dangerous, burning with desire, wild, unknown, passionate, independent, demanding. Allow yourself to become VENUS, to become desire as the SOURCE of your life by bringing light and LOVE to all the dark shadows and fear.


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