Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse, endings and beginnings

This Annular Solar Eclipse in PISCES, in the last sign of the Zodiac is both the ending of a cycle, and the beginning of another one occurring on a New DARK Moon. This eclipse is filled with paradoxes. It’s also the last eclipse in the Pisces/ Virgo polarity until 2024. We’ve been dealing with this practical/spiritual duality for the past two years. 

A solar eclipse changes the electromagnetic fields of everything on the earth.  This eclipse promises new awareness and spiritual awakenings, telepathic visions, LUCID DREAMING, channeling, a fuzzy fog of fake news, denial,viruses, water issues, flooding, and a release of old dreams and addictions. And a whole lot more chaos, rebellion, anarchy, and fighting over power and control in the bringing down of the old systems of government cultural and in our personal lives too. 

The sign of PISCES is associated with the TAROT card #18, THE MOON  



This card symbolizes the unconscious, the dreamworlds, irrational fears, projections, karma, past life memories, and rebirth.#18 is associated with Life.

The Tibetan Lunar New Year begins on this solar eclipse. The New Year of the Red Female Firebird of Phoenix begins. According to Tibetan Buddhist Lama’s, during a (partial) solar eclipse the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied by 10,000, and, 100 million times according to Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Doing practices like taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts are thus strongly advised. 

It is very important to cleansing of your house with smudge during the eclipse. Intentions for new beginning should begin once the eclipse starts. Chanting mudras, doing yoga, meditating and listening to mantras is very important. Remember PISCES is the sign of karma, we are releasing old karma now very powerfully.

We are beginning a new cycle of LEO/AQUARIUS energies and eclipses for the next two plus years. This new cycle was newly hatched at the Full Moon Feb 10/11 at 22 degrees LEO. The Nodes shift into this new Regal, dramatic, willful, creative heart power/us, the tribe, higher consciousness, new tech vibe on May 9/10.

This last Pisces eclipse is our LAST CHANCE to “let go and let flow.” Release your old unconscious patterns of martyrdom and avoidance patterns, let go of your addictions, let the boats of your dreams that you don’t want to float anymore go gently down the stream. Let go of projections. Virgo’s North Node is part of the message. Clean up your act and your health. Be accountable. Be of service. Virgo is practical, real, hardworking and humble. This is the time to manifest all your spiritual hopes and dreams and to bring them into reality. An eclipse effects last a year.

This eclipse is part of Saros Cycle 140. It began on April 16, 1512  during the heart of the Renaissance when Michelangelo’s painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was exhibited to the public for the first time. The cycle ends on June 1, 2774. The beginning of an eclipse cycle gives us clues as to what the cycle is all about. The Renaissance was a cultural flowering like nothing before. Through wealthy individual patronages, it created a new cabal of Jewish, Muslim and Christian cultures in alchemy, art, commerce, the Tarot, literacy and a great respect and tolerance amongst these cultures. We can pick up on this rich tapestry and creative outpouring.

The last eclipse in this cycle was on Feb. 26, 1998, 19 years ago, at 8° Pisces. Previous to that eclipse, February 26, 1979, fell at the same degree. Both of these dates are very significant to me. My daughter was born Feb 20, 1998 and I witnessed this miraculous Star Bird on Feb 22, 1979.  My own North Node is 4.59 degrees of PISCES. Mutable sign people-GEMINI, VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS whose planets fall between 0-17 degrees will feel the eclipse effects the strongest.

NEPTUNE is conjunct to the eclipse. This planet is the modern ruler of PISCES. But JUPITER is the planetary ruler of this eclipse. The largest planet governs PISCES and SAGITTARIUS. Jupiter governs SATURN in Sagittarius now, master of karma who is hanging out at the Galactic Center at 27 degrees SAG until the end of 2017. We can channel direct cosmic messages from the Pisces Vesica of the G.C., the wormhole of souls, as they pass back and forth into our milky way system.

SATURN forms an auspicious quintile, a 72-degree aspect to the Pisces eclipse degree.

This 1/5 of a circle division brings on VENUS energies. The number 72 is also related to the number of years it takes for a star to move 1 degree. Yes definitely meditate on this DARK MOON as it occurs at 2:58 pm GMT.  Bring out your crystals to soak in the invisible eclipsed moon light. This is a time to call on the DARK GODDESSES, KALI, LILITH and the like. This does not mean dark magic. 

The Eclipse is powerfully loaded with CARDINAL CROSS ENERGIES 


VESTA the GODDESS of fire and focus and inVESTments is also in the CARDINAL Cross making it a CARDINAL GRAND CROSS. 

Can you hear the clanging bashing, gnashing of teeth? Mars in ARIES rules this up leveling of CROSSES. MARS is in his testosterone heaven and is pushing, fighting, taunting, for a fight. 

MARS is in his testosterone heaven and is pushing, fighting, taunting, for a fight. 

ERIS, the recently discovered Dwarf planet is the new kid on the block. SHE is the GODDESS of DISCORD and ANARCHY. She feels to me like a combo of  URANUS and a feminine form of PLUTO. She represents ruthless revenge, a kind of Saturn Karmic balancer. She is the uninvited guest archetype, the 13th fairy who was overlooked and left out. She represents anyone who upends the status quo. D. Trump is the Eris embodied of politics right now. 

Jupiter in LIBRA is trying to bring fairness and balance into this heated challenge. 

Mercury is in PISCES conjunct the SOUTH NODE indicating that we have to mentally and intellectually review, write down and put into words what we are releasing. We need to analyze and think about it. 

SYMBOLS of the eclipse degree from John Sandbach 

“Pisces 9. A ghost peacefully coexisting with a family in a house.  (Degree Angel: Hahasiah (he-HA-see-Yah) No Guilt, Universal Medicine) Repeat this mantra as you release the past ghosts.

MEANINGS: An acceptance of the needs of others, no matter what they may be. No judgments. A lack of fear of what is unknown exists based on the belief that the universe is an inherently safe place. This degree knows that being deeply accepting can create an environment of harmony and peace in which all life can partake.

Chandra Symbol: “Dusk. A vampire awakens.” Until we can awaken those areas of ourselves that need healing we exist in a state of suspension. This degree senses how to turn the consciousness away from the outer, objective world, and allow the unredeemed energies of the subconscious to come forth. 

 It is acutely sensitive to desires and able to contact them without judgment, rationalization, fear, or anything else that might distort them and make them seem other than what they are. The fact is, that what we run away from we give power to, whereas what we are willing to completely own and accept eventually loses its negative charge and becomes integrated into our being. When the ghost of the Omega Symbol is ready to move on, it will.

Pleiadian Symbol: A pale naked man on a horse journeying through the forest.

Finding a way to make something beautiful out of even the most difficult and unyielding of situations, we create a place of nurturing and acceptance for all lost and displaced energies.

(Chandra Symbol).A black child playing with a tiger. Fearlessly and innocently encountering the powers within, we come to perceive the darkness within us that separates us from the light.

(Chandra Symbol). A garden planted solely with shade plants. As we see what it is within us that is resisting the light, we are able to allow in gradually more and more light, which balances and moderates our growth.”

These symbols are very powerful, relevant symbols to guide us through these major changes in our world.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Unless otherwise indicated. 

Get a reading with me to see how the eclipse affects you personally http://www.taratarot.com

Lord of the Starfields-Bruce Cockburn 1976