Three sexy moves and an earth trine

I want to thank all of you who commented to my query yesterday.

Mercury is in Virgo and we are under a Scorpio Moon so what did I have to do today for hours and hours?  I was literally out of storage space on Google drive. I had to delete- DEATH- 10,000 e-mails a Virgo /Mercury thing of course. I gained 1 Gig of space. It felt good. I feel lighter. 

Virgo is the clean up sign. I admit I am messy and I keep papers and track of old emails obviously. I have thousands more e-mails to delete in fact.  I figure if I spent an hour a day at it eventually it would be all cleaned up. Along with my office which is being moved to another floor, and my website being finished its redesign. Also  starting a new habit of deleting that verbiage every day. 

August 10 Moon in Scorpio makes 3 SEXTiles- very nice and easy erotic ones.
1. to Mercury in VIRGO, earthy lover, it’s got to add up.
2. Pluto in Capricorn- power, corporate ideals and control issues,
3. Jupiter in VIRGO- why don’t we do it in the road? but neatly. 

Rich Powerful Earth Trine  @ the 15th degree

Mercury Pluto Astrology Tara Greene Toronto

Giuseppe Porta, aka Giuseppe Salviati .Arts, Mercury and Pluto, ca.1556-57 in Venice.


Mercury wears that groovy winged hat and sandals and Pluto has an invisibility cloak. An interesting image.  Mercury in Virgo is very smart and intellectual. Pluto brings wealth and power. He supplies riches for those who listen to their souls. This is a good aspect and beneficial for all TARURUS’s out there too. Check out where that middle 15th degree is in your natal chart,in the three earth signs.

TO DO: Think about what your greatest soul gifts are and how you can manifest them through  ideas, communications and business to benefit the world. 


Remember also that the Messenger is moving slower and slower everyday now getting ready to turn RETROGRADE and enters his shadow phase today August 10 at 14 degrees 50 minutes of VIRGO. So get ready for the BIG Mercury Retrograde August 30 until September 21st right before EQUINOX.

Eclipse season coming up: SEPTEMBER 1 SOLAR ECLIPSE a 9 degrees VIRGO will be very intense.  VERY.  The shift really hits the fan as SUN and MOON are opposite NEPTUNE and conjunct to the Nodes of course and squares by MARS and SATURN conjunct at the 9/11 degrees and their opposition point.  I will also prep a pre-eclipse breakdown teleconference too. 

I am preparing to do a teleconference. Who’s on board?

SEPTEMBER 16 Lunar ECLIPSE @ 24 PISCES is an entirely different kettle of fish. 


The difficult polarity will even out as Jupiter enters LIBRA. Somewhat. 

It will be quite a roller coaster in September.  Think back on where you were in September 1997. This was a very special time for me as I was pregnant with my second child and only daughter Leah. I am prepared to conceive and be pregnant and give birth again now.  I bless our daughter and love her so much, she makes me so happy. I love hanging out with her. 

Are you pregnant with possibilities too? What are they?

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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3 thoughts on “Three sexy moves and an earth trine

  1. well obviously I’m backwards, just responding today to yesterday…had company, a full day . I laughed when you told about your emails, my friend and I kinda admitted that we were also deleting thousands of emails…like you said an hour a day will do it if I stick to doing it. And then I read them again and respond, darn, to the ones I’d missed. So I’m not alone and I don’t have a site like you do, just be but they ad up if if if. Super day to you and thanks, bbs


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