Archangel Raphael healing connection

Connect with Archangel Raphael’s heart healing energy now. This is facilitated through the planet MERCURY, the messenger of the Gods as it crosses the zero degree of VIRGO.
This degree marks one of the four major Archangels and the Fixed Star Regulus, traditionally called “The heart of the Lion.”  This Star brings courage, will power, strength and fortitude. 

Raphael’s energy is very beautiful and loving as he signifies the Heart Chakra. Raphael emits a deep emerald-green ray of healing light emanating from his heart.
Do meditate with Archangel Raphael today and on LAMMAS August 1st

Archangel Raphael Regulus Astrology tara Greene

How to connect with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL

All you have to do is center yourself, sit straight or lie down. Close your eyes and breath deeply and naturally. Take 4 deep breaths, exhaling through your nose. Send your intention and your awareness down into your heart chakra. Call upon Angel Raphael to connect with you in your heart space. Keep breathing, you can place your left hand on your heart chakra or both hands folded over your heart or praying hands position at your heart.
Wait be receptive, drop your mental chatter and expectations. State I am open to connecting with Archangel Raphael’s energies.
Imagine Raphael connecting with you. Know that he is in your heart and feel or sense this beautiful deep emerald-green color, like a gemstone or nature. Send this energy throughout your own body where you need healing.

Then visualize and project the emerald-green ray of healing light filled with pure unconditional love out to everyone you love and care about. Then send it to the sick, old, young, and to all the earth. To all the people, children and animals.
Do this until you feel complete. Thank Archangel Raphael and know that you can always connect with his heart and to this love.

Thank Archangel Raphael and know that you can always connect with his heart and to this love.

Please share widely so that many people may benefit.

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