11:11, fast and furious lovers Astrology


APRIL 12 as the Moon enters Cancer its’ home sign, it’s time for comfort food, family, cuddling and emotional safety. 

Mercury at 11 Taurus sextile Neptune at 11 Pisces, Note that Master Number Synchronicity.


11:11:11 remember who we really are

This is a very earthy, practical, sensual, resourceful mental energy which easily combines with creative spiritual and imaginative energies. A great day for a long yoga class, a swim in the ocean, a long walk in the woods.

Wherever you are do stop to smell the roses, be totally into the mystical body today. Be especially away of every detail like a Marcel Proust story, Savor every crumb of your gluten-free muffin, the subtle tastes of your coffee, be here now in the Garden of EDEN.  This is Heaven on Earth, in fact we have never left the Garden, we have been lost in an illusion and must dream our collective selves back to wholeness through owning our divinity and being in a state of Love. 

A wonderful day to meditate, imagine, daydream- these are valuable dreams too. It’s all a dream. So dream yourself awake. Open your mind and soul to receive with compassion what is going on all around you. We are all ONE.

Mercury rules the mighty sword so write down or dictate your impressions. pay attention to your night dreams. LUCID DREAMING HI ALERT! 

Romantic encounters of the soul mates kind are also highly probable.  You will be seeing stars in their eyes.


Venus and Mars art Tara Greene lovers

VENUS AND MARS by Jacques Louis David 

This is a red-hot passionate or a trio, off to globe trek or to fall in love with some exotic tango teacher, guru, philosopher, soldier, lawyer or entrepreneur.  

This is spontaneous love combustion. So just go for it. Especially good for ARIES LEO And SAGITTARIUS peeps. 

You will be burning down the house.  Women are very aggressive under this aspect, so don’t be surprised if She initiates. 

People with VENUS or MARS in FIRE SIGNS generally get the most kick out of this transit. 

Donald Trump has his MARS in LEO right on his Ascendant and the trine affects his Natal Pluto in LEO directly. 

Hillary Clinton has her Mars conjunct PLuto and SATURN in LEO 

Bernie Sanders has his MArs in ARIES  conjunct his Natal Moon ruling his Scorprio Ascendant and his 6th house of work. Venus Mars trines his Natal PLUTO/ CHIRON  conjunction in LEO.

The Cancer Moon inconjuncts Mars squares Venus and generally interrupts the passions of the movement for more pressing practical needs like making sure there is food on the table. Make sure someone remembers to wear a condom because this is unconsciously very fertile. 

Moon then trines NEPTUNE late late and makes everything back to its dreamy other worldly fantasy escapism mood. An excellent DREAM INCUBATION MOON TIME. 

Moon sextiles Mercury at the end of the day and all the planets have come round and they’ve all touched each other and now you can go to sleep happy satisfied and have amazing dreams.

Heads up = 

MERCURY TRINES JUPITER in an earthy good opportunity aspect April 14 in the morning. 

Please share widely, All writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

If you are at the Canadian Institution Tim Horton’s I hope you will see my mini- astrology monthly Predictions. 

Get a reading with TARA GREENE http://www.taratarot.com

Could you please do me a favor and go to my website the http://www.taratarot.com and stay for a few moments? I am having some trouble with Google and my site seems to be offline while I redo some cell phone flash stuff. This would help my stats which I would appreciate. 


8 thoughts on “11:11, fast and furious lovers Astrology

  1. I took a nap today and slipped far too easily into astral projection… I settled in the ocean and swam with the dolphins, a wild feeling!!! One dolphin grabbed my big toe, right foot and started to pull on it. I woke from the experience and my actual toe was throbbing 🙂 Thank you for your article, explains everything!


  2. I use Chrome and it says, ‘file not found’. I clicked on two different links you gave and they both said this.
    $SomethingWentWrong$ This is all I could copy. In the corner is this ‘$OK$’ with a blue background. It looks totally dodgy. Get your computer guy to take a look….if you have one! xx


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