Bernie Sanders, Super Tuesday

Yes Hilary Clinton just beat Bernie Sanders in a landslide in the South Carolina primaries because mainly black voters favor her and don’t seem to get Sanders revolution from the slave mother ship America agenda at all. I can’t figure out why. 

Bernie Sanders

Let’s look at who Bernie Sanders is and what Super Tuesday may bring for him.  He is largely being ignored by the corporate run media. Here is Bernie Sanders Astrology chart, we don’t have an accurate birth time. I have included an asteroid called Hilary and one called Truth.

Bernie Sanders, Tara Greene astrology

Bernie Sanders b. Sept. 8 1941 no exact birth time and Transits March 1, 2016

in the 10th house of career and public acclaim at the 15th and most powerful degree. Bernie has his Mid Heaven, M.C. in VIRGO for this noon time public figure birth. Not all Virgo’s appear neat and tidy. Many are true “nerdy” intellectuals who are rumply as Bernie appears. He is in his head. 

MERCURY is his Sun Sign planetary ruler in Libra, the sign of balance, refinement, the law, values and relationships. He can certainly be charming and likeable and loves to communicate. Mercury is conjunct to Neptune in Virgo enabling him to be a pragmatic idealist. 

Bernie’s NORTH NODE, his highest spiritual goal at 22 VIRGO conjunct Neptune the idealist, romantic dreamer at 26 degrees conjunct to his N.N. all in his 10th house of worldly fame. Neptune conjunct North Node is usually a very spiritual, guru type of energy. Bernie meticulously flows with inspiration about the details. He can be a receptacle for other peoples’ projections as a saviour.  

Bernie’s MOON is in ARIES and that is why  he has unlimited amounts of energy at 74. He is an emotionally driven warrior. Bernie’s Moon is opposite to VENUS in LIBRA. Bernie gets many points here for having 2 personal planets in their ruling signs. This is an US vs THEM natal aspect. Bernie is such a natural fighter, an unusual warrior. Venus in Libra- women love him, he is charming, an eloquent speaker and a go-between. 

Bernie’s Moon is conjunct to MARS, the planetary ruler of the sign. Usually the sign of the bombastic aggressive warrior, MARS IS RETROGRADE quite a rare and karmic pointer. This makes Bernie a dove rather than a hawk. I heard Bernie talk about losing his Mother, indicated by his Moon at a young age and this is a sign of that. An event which drove him into action.

Very interestingly Bernie’s natal Moon and Mars Retrograde  is exactly conjunct to the U.S. Chiron in Aries, it’s most vulnerable and wounded aspect in Aries. Being points out that America is too aggressive, too much the eagle war monger, heroic role model. 

MAR’S energy is held back, repressed, or expressed in a softer way it’s as if the General is meeting with his Chiefs of staff planning their attack but not  ready to go to war  yet. In effect Mars Retrograde in ARIES is a Slow Burn. Pun intended. Bernie may not get to explode, command, fight the battle, heat up the place or fully express his power until the last moment or in an unexpected way.

Note his natal Mars Retrograde opposite Venus, he is a balanced individual. This is an alchemical hieros gamos or sacred marriage within. He likes strong women. The Retro Mars-Venus aspect means that Bernie doesn’t care about appearances or material things which Venus in Libra usually does.This indicates more than one marriage or many relationships in his life. Also that a woman or women play a significant Karmic meaning in what drives him in this life.  He could have a big temper which he manages to keep under control. He uses his enormous reserves of testosterone in a balanced way.

NOTE MARS will go RETROGRADE from April 17 until June 29th this year which may be Bernie’s ACE up his sleeve as then he is really in his element. When the overall energy will be MARS RETROGRADE- fall back, retreat, rehash, review, etc. This is hugely important. 

Bernie has JUPITER in GEMINI at 19+ degrees as the main focus T-square for his Nodes of fate.  Jupiter is close to the Fixed Star RIGEL which brings fame. This gives Bernie the gift of youth, an eternal Peter Pan, a gift of the gab, and a super debater. Jupiter in Gemini is to learn to balance the opposites. Young people like him, his ideas are fresh. Mercury rules his Jupiter which is also conjunct to Neptune. He is a persuasive magical orator. Venus in Libra is Trine to his Jupiter giving Bernie a “lost boy” energy.

SATURN planet of seniors, corporations and taxes, is in earthy, sensual, 28 TAURUS conjunct the most evil Star ALGOL, Medusa’s head. Even though this Star has very ancient negative associations. Medusa was traditionally an Amazon warrioress whose gaze “turning men to stone” in the myth. This is a symbol of the power of the FEMININE to confront with ferocity any man who is not being honest with  the Feminine. It is a projected symbol by men of being caught by their mothers and “castrated”  frozen, or being unable to respond and being defenseless. A big fear that men carry as their shadow projection onto women. Algol symbolizes to me, being confronted with the all seeing TRUTH which renders anyone who isn’t up to par, dead and useless. In that sense this gives Bernie and any one else with planets connected to the PLEIADES enormous power to confront the prevailing illusions and stop them in their tracks. 

Sanders was born during the historic Saturn Uranus conjunction months after the cultural musical revolutionary poet Bob Dylan was born.  His Uranus is at 00 Gemini Rx. They both Trine his natal Neptune and Mercury. He is naturally the revolutionary man, breaking down the old order and wanting to tax the rich to benefit everyman. 

Bernie has PLUTO in LEO conjunct CHIRON- the wounded healer King.

This is a man of great heart, leadership and strength, passion, drive, and desire to help those who are vulnerable. He is Bernie the Lion-hearted and his Mercury sextiles these two power sources.This is his mission. 

If this Noon chart is accurate Bernie has a SCORPIO ASCENDANT. He is driven, passionate, controlling, obsessive, powerful. The asteroid Hilary sits right on his Ascendant indicating that she is part of what he is being driven towards. Interestingly Hilary is opposite Bernie’s natal  LILITH at 20 degrees TAURUS. Bernie is seen by some feminists as opposing Hilary’s chances of becoming America’s first female president and certainly Democratic women are split in their approval of Hilary vs Sanders. 


The MOON always represents the people in general and Moon is in SAGITTARIUS a sign of politics, foreigners, idealism, adventure, optimism, faith and TRUTH. The people want the truth, in that case Bernie Sanders is in a much more favourable light with the public. 

SATURN is exactly square at 15 degrees SAGITTARIUS he sign of politics, to Bernie’s SUN. Saturn can bring both defeat and success. Saturn favours senior’s or what most people think as familiar or historical and Hilary Clinton certainly has the actual track record in the White House and as being Secretary of State. Saturn is also opposing Bernie’s Jupiter, again I normally see this as a positive thing. 

MARS is at 28 degrees SCORPIO opposite Bernie’s natal SATURN and URANUS. This is Bernie’s march into the Revolution. This is a difficult transit as it is confrontational and anything involving Uranus is chaotic and very difficult to predict.

JUPITER planet of popularity and expansion is at 19 degrees Rx Virgo indicating a populist, people’s choice candidate who cares about the outcome not the immediate answers. Jupiter conjuncts his SUN and North Node and exactly Square Bernie’s JUPITER in GEMINI, this is excellent and Bernie may surprise everyone.

VENUS planet of women, half the vote is also at 15 degrees AQUARIUS a power degree, and inconjucts Bernie’s SUN and trines his JUPITER. This is an odd aspect. Women aren’t feeling aligned with Bernie’s rhetoric and may vote for Clinton “with their vagina’s” and not their rational minds and yet there are positive aspects here. 

URANUS the planet of Revolution is exactly crossing BERNIES NATAL MOON. He is embodying the emotional content of this revolution. With Uranian energy you are dealing with chaos and sudden change. I feel he is truly the man that the U.S. and the world needs. Remember the seeds of the 60’s are supposed to sprout now. Bernie was born during the earlier 60’s conjunction of Saturn and Uranus which fully matured in its earliest stages in the late 60s with Uranus Pluto conjunct in mid-Virgo where Bernie’s Sun is.

The reason Bernie is so popular with MILLENIAL’S those now in their 20’s is that they were born in the URANUS/NEPTUNE conjunction in CAPRICORN. These people need to revolutionize corporate structure although they also idealism it. 

CHIRON and the SOUTH NODE are both conjunct Bernie’s Natal SOUTH NODE at 22 PISCES

This is a huge karmic culmination and release for Bernie in his life. Chiron has been squaring Bernie’s Natal Jupiter in Gemini for a while  now. He is seen as the smartest most articulate and honest candidate. Chiron is opposing his natal Neptune, Bernie can be seen as the man who can save America with all its wounds, or be projected on as the martyr, the delusional, weak and vulnerable man himself. This is a place that Bernie Sanders’s has been before in many lifetimes.

HILARY CLINTON- just a bit

Synchronistically Hilary Clinton’s natal Moon is at 22 degrees PISCES and she is also being debilitated by this Chiron transit. Hilary’s natal LILITH at 19 degrees CAPRICORN is also being squared by URANUS. This makes Hilary of course the shadow Dark Goddess. Her reputation is still on the line.  I’ll deal with Hilary and Trump separately. 

One more thing, the MArch 8 SOLAR ECLIPSE at 18 of PISCES  falls on Bernie’s Sun, natal Nodes and Jupiter. This is very powerful and KARMIC and I certainly would not rule Sander’s down and out just yet. The March 23 Lunar eclipse at 3 degrees Libra which  symbolizes the mood of the people falls on Bernie’s Mercury- his mission statement and platform.

Mars Retrograde from Sagittarius from 8 degrees to 23 degrees Scorpio where Mars turns Direct on June 29th is inconjunct to Bernie’s natal Retrograde Mars. Even thought the Retrograde will help Bernie’s position the final Mars direct point is difficult.

MARS RETROGRADE will passover Hilary’s Jupiter Ascendant and Mercury in Scorpio and then Trine Hilary’s natal Moon at 22 degrees PISCES before going over these planets again direct.She will be steamrolled by Mars. There may be some viscious attacks on her which may reveal secrets and undermine her chances totally. 

I of course haven’t even mentioned Bernie’s Jewish background which no one is talking about religion in this presidential race. There is still much anti-semitism although Bernie is not a Zionist at all. Middle class Jews are not in favour of his left wing socialist policies. 

The actual convention is in July 25-28th in Philadelphia. Uranus turns Retrograde the next day. 

I will leave you here. 

PLEASE SHARE WIDELY, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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11 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders, Super Tuesday

    • hi Gael, thanks for the feedback. Nice to hear from another Astrologer. I knowother astrologers used that 12:27 pm birth time but it isn’t verified anywhere.There are other astrologers who have rectified his TOB and there are about 4 of those. When there is no accurate birth record I felt safer using Noon.
      thanks ,Blessings TARA


  1. I can’t help but feel that when Jupiter leaves Virgo in September, Bernie’s days in the sun will be over. Sad part about that is I think he is right on all of it, on the banks, on the system that is in operation in the US, which favours corps over citizens. I am thankful he is at least getting the message out.


    • hi Sally, Bernie is a totally unique person and exactly what America and the world needs but are the American people at a high enough consciousness level yet to see the truth which is exactly what needs to happen right now? He is totally right on if you look at his history about confronting every manner of falsity in government. I am praying that a miracle will happen. But sadly I don’t think there are not enough people who are really aware enough and able to take the leap into a peaceful revolution. Bernie needs to be able to move some mountains.

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