Pisces time, Goddess Astarte, by Tara Greene

PISCES season begins Feb 18 @  9:33 pm/ Feb 19 @ 12:33 am/ 5:34 am GMT.

I have felt more channeling of mages and synchronicity. 

Feb 18 The Moon trines NEPTUNE for some lovely intuitive energy in the wee hours.

Pay attention to your night and waking dreams all day. Try to recollect what you were dreaming about.

Moon is inconjunct to SATURN in Sag around dinner time

Be careful that you understand what is real and what isn’t. This may be perplexing to the fantasy lover in you. 

Moon opposes PLUTO and squares URANUS we’re off into the CARDINAL square energy again. 

The Goddess ASTARTE has been appearing in images and symbols to me lately again. She was a Babylonian Goddess of love, like Venus. I have always had fantasies and inserts from past lives which used to appear to me when I was about seven years old. They take place in Ancient Babylonian or Egyptian times. I came across these Goddesses through reading about archeology, in Museums or studying Art History later on. I have always felt drawn to her. The name Tara is a derivative of Astarte derived from the Sanskrit Sitara and the name Esther in Hebrew is also derived from that name, which was my given second name at birth. Her name also engendered Ishtar,  Ashtereth, Aphrodite, Ashtaroth, Asteria and Ariadne- a Spider Woman mythology.  

She had an ancient temple at Ashkelon, in Israel near where I worked and lived years ago. She was worshipped under the name of Atar-gatis, as a woman with the tail of a fish, and fish were accordingly sacred to her. She is also related to Mermaids and PISCES energies.

Elsewhere the dove was her sacred symbol. The symbol which Christians adopted to symbolize Christ when the Age of Pisces started. Her sacred sexual rites were later denounced by the Patriarchy of course.  This is where all the fighting is going on today in her ancient sacred lands in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan and parts of egypt and Turkey. Astarte worship needs to be returned as women honoring their sacred blood in Red Tents again. . 

Goddess Astarte, Tara Greene

Goddess Astarte 

 She is also an Asteroid #672 Astarte discovered  Sept 21, 1908. She governs sexual love,maternity and fertility and is also a war Goddess associated with leopards or lions and snakes as transformational and healing signifiers. Both of which was always  my totem animals. All women with strong fire signs relate to lions. Snakes relate to Scorpio energies as well as Kundalini powers and menstruation.

ASTARTE as an Asteroid or dwarf planet and she has a 4+ year orbit. She is now at 18+ degrees of GEMINI close to Fixed Star Rigel which brings riches and long-lasting honor.

ASTARTE is opposed to SATURN right now, a karmic stance and will be at 19+ degrees and in square to JUPITER and CHIRON in PISCES and the NODES Of the MOON on the 29th of February which is a LEAP DAY and a day out of time. 

This symbolizes the Ancient Fertility Goddesses energy being very much available and downloadable for effective  healing of womb and sexual energy. My memories of her as a child were in sacred sexual practices when the Priestesses were bleeding, to heal the male warriors after they have come back from profane bloodshed of war. The only sacred bloodshed is women’s menstruation. 

The old fears about women’s sacred blood must be erased. Honor womens’ sacred feminine wisdom. Women, do not run around when you get your period it is a time for turning within, to listening to your womb and flowing with your sacred blood. It is a natural cleansing time.

The Patriarchy tells you to stuff a chlorinated toxic most popularly advertize tampon up your vagina to hide your blood away from yourself and everyone else. Tampons are a political tool and a weapon of a conspiracy to silence women’s power.  A women who used a deva cup, a silicone menstrual cup to gather menstrual blood was vilified recently showing her menstrual blood. Never use toxic commercial tampons ever. Use organic cotton.  

I know people are squeamish around blood. But the blood of death is what should make everyone squeamish. The simulated blood from video games, films, movies, TV Shows, is what should  make you sick. Not the blood of life. 

Tune into ASTARTE’s wisdom she is beautiful. She is the stars. Like NUIT or NUith egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way she is all around us.

PLease share widely. I am feeling totally called to be an Active High-Priestess once again. My work must change. I cannot write so much every day like this anymore. I am needing to write courses, my book and embody my Chrone Goddess artist shamanic self. 

your comments are most appreciated. 

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5 thoughts on “Pisces time, Goddess Astarte, by Tara Greene

  1. I enjoy your daily writings and feel the intensity of your calling to remember the Goddesses… Be the goddesses we are! Thank you for being and assisting.


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