Earth Warrior, Mars in Virgo

The action shifts and it’s a Big energy shift. The two planets that rule Scorpio, Mars and Pluto shift gears September 24th and 25th.

Mars leaves  Leo the “It’s all about me” fire sign and enters earthy, humble hard-working Virgo until November 12th. That’s 7 weeks of spontaneous fire powered testosterone energy being forced into an earthen box, kind of like being buried alive.

The POPE just delivered a Very MARS IN VIRGO speech about cleaning up the environment. The South American Pope took his name from Saint Francis of Assisi who protected animals and the environment. Yes Mars is needing to learn to ground itself, to be under the tutelage of  nit-picky, diligent, organized and accounting for everything VIRGO. As you can imagine, Mars the warrior God is not happy so about having to build a whole fort, stock it with supplies and have his battle plans ready when what he wants is to simply attack and win. Mars isn’t happy having to hold back. This of the next seven weeks as trying to break a wild cat so you can tame him.

Mars in Virgo/Earth warrior is like the Knight of Disks in the tarot  

September 25 MARS exactly Squares SATURN both at Zero degrees of Mutable signs, Virgo and Sagittarius. 

This is a zero degree set point. Saturn hasn’t been at zero degrees Sagittarius since November 17 1985. That’s 30 years ago. 

The two malefics of the zodiac squaring off is a big roadblock. A Saturnine test of your strength, your patience {Mars has none} and will power.  Mars will be marching forwards and opposing Neptune in Pisces on October 7th in 12 days. Pisces spiritual energy needs to be made real, physical, and practical. The energy needs to be grounded, and very well-organized  if you are going to manifest your dreams. We are moving out of the dreamy airy fairyland ideals into walking your talk, into embodying and being the dream, living the dream daily in a very practical 3-D way.  I was just told this by a mentor today at lunch. In other words; Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water, after enlightenment you still have to do the laundry and shit every day. We came as soul’s into this earth plane to experience the compact, limitations of the physical material universe.

Positive ways to use this energy are: start a new workout routine, and diet regiment and clean out your desk, office or  your home. Sign up to do martial arts such as Kung Fu, or kick boxing.  Vent the anger positively. Clean up trash in your environment or at work. Make your own homemade lunches reducing waste and eating healthier and saving money. Virgo loves to save. 

Mars conjuncts Jupiter on October 17 

This is a very positive optimistic ground-breaking time. The action and attention for saving the environment and going to war on those corporations that have harmed it will be unleashed. The Alberta Tar Sands in Canada is a huge environmental disaster. The lumber companies in New Guinea are decimating the forests there. Monsanto will be made to pay for its war on the people’s ability  to grow maintain and control their own food supplies as they have done since the beginning of Agriculture 10,000-8,000 years ago. That IS Virgo, the harvest.  Saturn in Sagittarius will also enter the ring late November and the courts will make these foul corporations pay. Saturn always wins. 

Mercury Retro squares Pluto on the 24th

A tough cookie but it’s good for going back and picking up the pieces of your soul and your power that you have left strewn all over the place. You know what I am talking about here. 
PLUTO turns direct Sept 24 PDT with the Moon in Aquarius/on Sept 25 EDT under a Void of course moon.

Pluto has been in his own domain the Underworld moving Retrograde since April 16. Now all his pent-up energies can be unleashed. Everything you’ve been sitting on and ruminating about in your unconscious for the last 5+ months is ready to be empowered ensouled in the world. That’s Pluto on its highest level. Empowered soul. 

Pluto went Rx at 15+ degrees  CAPRICORN still in the thick of the Cardinal Crosses and the April Blood Moon of 2015. Pluto turns direct at 12 degrees 58 minutes of Capricorn still involved in that Cardinal Square, betcha thought it was over didn’t you? and opposing the U.S. Natal Sun.  I feel this has something to do with the POPE-CARDINAL POWER, Catholic puns and all.

These are intense times. If you are a Virgo you will need to learn to defend yourself. Virgo’s shadow side is Pisces.  Scorpio energy is amped up and running again with Pluto going direct. Also Pluto and Saturn aren’t playing ball together since Saturn entered Sagittarius until December 2017. Pluto is not playing nice anymore. 

The Moon is still in Aquarius on the 24th so we can get some detachment from all this heavy energy. 

Moon enters PISCES on Sept 25 @ 12:43 pm PDT right after Pluto turns direct eastern Daily time. 

There’s a sense of a great divide between the east and the west, the left and the right, The forward thinkers and the backwards holders on. 

Rest up with the Moon in Pisces stay close to your spiritual side, your emotions and feelings. Pay close attention to your dreams. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene and may be used but links and authorship must be attributed.


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OMNIA- Earth Warrior 2014


4 thoughts on “Earth Warrior, Mars in Virgo

  1. Pingback: Mars square Saturn 2015-09-25 | Grandtrines

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