Aries Moon, It’s all about the…Inspirational Card

The Moon’s in Aries Jan 24- 26

We are full of fire, fuming, igniting, burning the house down and raring to go.

Patience? None. Especially under Hot, Hot, Hot, GRAND FIRE TRINES  

Aries Moon to Saturn in the early degrees 0-5 of Centaurific  Sagittarius Jan 24 has us hopping and wired.

Galloping off into the distance to command new unexplored territories.

Sunday Aries Moon trines Jupiter in Leo {Rx} at 1:52 pm PST/ 4:32 pm EST

Even a Retrograde Jupiter is still a good thing. Results may not occur until after Jupiter goes direct at that degree 

19 degrees + Leo in mid-June. So plan your spectacular new blast onto the Grand Stand show of life. 

or plan a trip, take a course, plan to publish- teach etc. 

Yes it;s also the Cardinal crosses to bear weekend with Aries moon conjunct Uranus on Sunday morning and Square Pluto in Capricorn also when the early bird is up.

Lets have a card to inspire:


Yemaya Santeria tara Greene

Tarot Lukumi, by Emanuele Noltro & Luigi Scapini


In this deck the Queen of cups is based on the Yoruba/Santeria spirituality originally from Nigeria and Benin of West African origin. Santeria is also widely practiced in Cuba, South American and the Caribbean.

Yemaya is the great mother who lives and rules over the seas.  She is also known as Stella Maris and as the Virgin Mary in Catholicism.  We are 70% water just like the earth, so life would not be possible without this Goddess’s waters of life. She is maternal and nurturing but also fierce. Her number is 7 and her day of the week is Saturday which is today. She loves to dance. 

To have such a watery, mermaid-like nurturing oceanic card today indicates the need to stay  in touch with the Feminine feelings and emotions especially when we are in a Masculine Fire moon energy. 

What do you feel today?

The Moon conjunct Uranus energy is very wired, electric, nervous and jumpy. 

Stay in your heart, stay in the flow, It’s all about the ebb and flow, not the bass. 

Please share widely 

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara

La Cantora Luisa Rosa- Yemanja Rainha do MAr

2 thoughts on “Aries Moon, It’s all about the…Inspirational Card

  1. it’s funny, i have a very nice painting of Yemaya in my bed room in my basement appt of Havana. I got it at the santeria museum of Regla , a poor worker’s black district fronting havana’s harbour. Not far is the black virgin. cheers.


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