Post eclipsed bewitched omens, Astrology from Tara Greene

Life is very magical and spontaneous for me here in Sedona. I am playing things totally in the moment so am having to juggle from the way I thought it was going to happen.  I am also being directly affected in the Grand Cardinal Crosshairs. Uranus opposite my Saturn  etc.  I am where I am meant to be.  I understand that statement now.

total lunar elcipse Tara Greene

So we went out to witness and take part in the Blood Moon Eclipse for about an hour and a half. The night sky is very clear here in Sedona and we drove out to Long Canyon so there was even less ambient light. As the eclipse progressed the sky seemed hyper real, the stars huge.   Jupiter in Cancer was easy to see but Saturn and Uranus weren’t visible. The atmosphere was  tingly, shadowy, magical. A bewitching sky, a night of spells, omens, mysticism.

This Full Moon is called the Willow Moon by the Druids and is considered very powerful. The Full Moon was very near the Fixed star Spica at 23 degrees Libra { in Virgo sidereal} a very auspicious positive star. Ancient late Egyptians saw Spica as the Goddess Isis  divine child Horus

 Mars was so close to the Moon and when the Moon turned red at totality, actually it was quite coppery, it looked like Mars had blown up and become the moon. I asked to know what our ancestors felt and saw when the Moon turned red- definitely seemed like a sign of war, trouble, bloodshed.

Someone asked me what the omens meant because the Lunar eclipse was on the first night of Passover and I spontaneously said. “YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN OMENS.”  They laughed.

The ceremony was very simple, quiet, silent in my heart, from my heart to the world. I said prayers for the women and children and to Mother Earth and to all our relations. We say many falling stars and made wishes and someone saw a fireball. I expected to hear the coyotes howling as I did the other night but they were silent.

I feel great, very up. How was it for you?

April 15

Moon is void of course from peak eclipse time 12:42 am PDT- 9:20 am PDT. so sleep on that lunar eclipse energy.


and ushers in deep torrents of emotional soul releasing, and more Grand water Trines for the next 3 days.

SCORPIO Moon Trines Neptune in Pisces 9:39 pm PDT

April 16 @ 12:39 am EDT

Ask for all your shadow material to come up in your dreams. The urge to escape could feel obsessive. This aspect can make people feel suicidal, delusional, too high and too low.

Intense hyper- dimensional sex, transcendent tantric love-making is also on the menu

MERCURY in ARIES opposes MARS Retrograde at night

New ideas about old relationships and what to  do about them. The I thou relationship -the ego and the Higher self get to stare at each other in your dreamscape. Please know that there is NO DUALITY it only appears that way.


Scorpio Moon to Venus in PISCES and JUPITER in Cancer – 10-12 degrees- early morning

It’s like a stoned soul picnic colonic, or soul stoned picnic literally.

Check out which houses the Grand Trine falls in your chart.

Scorpio Moon is the soul shaker and emotional depth charger here releasing dark matter. VENUS In PISCES is all wishes hopes and dreams; Compassion, forgiveness, reunion, cosmic connections. Jupiter in Cancer brings it all back home. BRING IT INTO YOUR BELLY.


With water,  pour out your heart and soul through vibrating all the deepest feelings and shaking your body, your emotional body and singing, crying, chanting and releasing old stuck toxic material. This will feel great and leave you feeling lighter, clearer, refreshed. Drink lots of water with lemon and a pinch of cayenne.

Scorpio Moon sextiles Pluto Trine Chiron in PISCES

EZY soul access to healing.

Moon also makes a quincunx  to Uranus in Aries

Don’t want to jump into the fire too fast.

MARS Retro quincunx Chiron in PISCES  later in the day

re- evaluating the pain.

Moon Trines Chiron

yes healing is available. take off the false mask, let down that heavy load. you can release your obsessions and fling them far off into the universe.

Scorpio Moon quincunx Uranus in Aries

lets not jump off the deep end and into the fire too fast.


All writing is copyright of  Tara Greene

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5 thoughts on “Post eclipsed bewitched omens, Astrology from Tara Greene

  1. OMG, I have never been more in tune. It was mother earth that provided the rain water for my emotional release meditation. I hope you’re enjoying the warmth, it is snowing this morning.


  2. Tara,Thank you for sharing your your thoughts on the Blood Moon Eclipse. I was up from three to four here in Mississauga. The sky had a copper glow to it and as it was raining I couldn’t see the eclipse. It was very quiet and I found myself wondering what the universe had in store for it’s inhabitants on earth. When I awoke in the morning I was totally shocked to see a blanket of snow covering everything. I wondered again what is Mother Earth trying to say to us. I have to admit that when I did sleep I had some very strange dreams of the past, present and future. I have the feeling of a big change coming, but, it isn’t a frightening change for me. Nancy B

    Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 10:08:04 +0000 To:


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