2 22 Master Number healing from Tara Greene

Feb 22 is an auspicious day for me.

Yes in Numerology it is 2 22.  

VERY HIGH PRIESTESS energy as number 2= The HIGH PRIESTESS in the Tarot.

She is the Unconscious the dreamworld, the womb, the Moon, feelings  instinct.

#22 is a MASTER NUMBER  symbolizing ENLIGHTENMENT.

It  is the most powerful symbol in the TAROT.

Signifying THE FOOL in the TAROT representing zero- nothing pure potential, all that Is and the attainment of that as well. # 22. 

 It is also the 35th year, OMG I can’t believe that myself.

Of the Anniversary of a very powerful event in my life and two others as well.

It was the day we witnessed a miracle.

A real spirit guide appeared on this night in 1979 in Isla  Mujeres, Mexico. It was unknown to us at the time, we were told it was an island where pirates kept women. that there was a Mayan Goddess Temple here and that’s why it was called the ISLAND OF WOMEN.

Two witnesses and myself saw the STAR BIRD, a real, actual, inter galactic spirit messenger in the sky. 

Have you ever ever witnessed anything like this? If so I want to hear from you.

The “STAR BIRD”  showed itself and displayed a very powerful symbol, presence, vibration and awareness to us. My ex and I went over our versions of the sighting a couple of years ago and agreed on everything except that he didn’t see the Infinity symbol. But I clearly did. It was the most powerful thing to me.

The INfinity symbol means we are infinite, Stuart Wilde talked about the INFINITE SELF. That is who we all are. Also the x in the middle is a spot that someone told me was the location of NIRVANA where all time is now, it is like the void. The nexus.

INFINITY Tara Greene

this is the INFINITY SYMBOL which the STAR BIRD made

Watch the VIDEO I made last year on the anniversary that was the integration of the Star Bird’s message,prophesied to me in the early 90’s about the STAR BIRD completing itself on February 22, 2012. 

star bird feb 22

and read about it http://taratarot.com/id153.html

WATCH And listen as I tell my story, imagine that you are there in spirit with me and the two others,one was an ex and the other person was a woman from Germany who was a follower of OSHO and a spiritual disciple. I have tried to track her down for years I don’t know whatever happened to her.


Tonight at around 10:30 oor 11:00 pm 

The Moon is in Sagittarius so that’s perfect for doing meditation with Neptune having squared the Moon already today.

Light some incense put on some nice spiritual music.  

Close your eyes and see the STAR BIRD Come into your mind’s eye.  It is dark around 10:35 pm on the beach looking out over the sea. LISTEN and allow the STAR BIRD’s energy to appear like a shooting star from the left to the right. It stops in mid heaven.

See the INFINITY SYMBOL being created from left movement downwards and curving back over and around and then right. 


Then the STAR BIRD gets bigger and descends rather slowly and takes the shape of a bird made of starlight with wings shaped like an eagles and a small head like a  dove.

Breathe in the ancient memories and knowledge buried in your cellular consciousness. 

We are the STARS, we come from the STARS, many ancient civilizations world-wide honor and remember and know.

Various shamans and channeler’s have told me the STAR BIRD is a messenger from SIRIUS.

ALL who channel the SIRIAN’s ,Patricia Cori in ROME and many others, know the high vibration of their energy.

Others have suggested it was a UFO sighting or a U.S. military plane. 

Allow this energy to move through you. I will be sitting in mediation tonight at 10:30 pm EST

Tune in with me vibrationally we can meditate together. 

then please let me know how it was for you.

I send this to you with great love,




All writing is copyright of Tara Greene and may be used if origin is given to the author and linked back to this site.

Get a reading with Tara  http://www.taratarot.com


INFINITE SELF by STuart Wilde 

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