My New years vision, channeling Astrology, Tarot from Tara Greene


I have meditated, did my Super New Moon ceremony.  I have connected with the Sirian and Pleiadian entities that I work with. I have some channelled information to share with you.

The primary key in 2014 is working with SIRIUS the DOG STAR at 13 degrees CANCER in Tropical astrology which will be a major player in the April 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross. Many people channel the SIRIANS entities.


Jupiter is exalted in CANCER- where it is right now. Fifteen-15 degrees of Cancer is considered to be the “centre of the Universe” in ancient knowledge. Jupiter, the Planet of the HIGHER MASTER TEACHERS  will cross this degree on JANUARY 2-9th Retrograde.

So it is optimum time to tune in every day NOW. The Jupiterian master teachers will come to you if you ask. They are the Law makers and keepers.

Jupiter will conjunct these 15th degrees on MAY 1-7th. NOTE this is MAY DAY an ancient PAGAN Fertility festival and the DIRECTION of the SOUTH-EAST,place of the Ancestors, on the 8 spoked directions in the wheel of the  YEAR.  Jupiter is the Planet which rules the Wheel of Fortune- the wheel of Life itself.

The FIXED STAR SIRIUS -one degree away, is the degree of the U.S. SUN which of course why the Declaration of Independence is connected to July 4 as this is the day the SUN conjunct this Star in the Constellation of Canis Major.

SIRIUS is Connected to the Ancient Egyptian God OSIRIS, ISIS, and HORUS, the STAR CHILD,to the teacher THOTH,

to the Masonic teachings, to Pinocchio,- {when you wish upon a Star}  to the movie 2001,  to the Tarot the #17 THE STAR, is SIRIUS, symbolized by 7 stars.

2014= 7.  Sirius astrology mythology Tara Greene

THE STAR Tarot Tara Greene

The message I am getting is that we need to tune into these SIRIAN Higher vibrational energies coming through now. The Sirians are ancient gods/Goddesses which seeded humanity and created the human race. We do come from the stars, our DNA was manipulated. 


I woke up with directions about working with the COURT cards for each CARDINAL sign which are all QUEENS. 

The DIVINE FEMININE is manifesting big time. I have alway s known I needed to work with a Sisterhood, to help empower the Divine Mother Goddess/Earth energies again. It’s very important women to work with the Moon’s cycles. The New Moon or Dark Moon is the most intense, its the Archetypal natural MOON TIME. The bleeding time, time of the Moon lodges, the RED TENT, honoring of  women’s menstrual blood for its magical alchemical properties. I will also start leading online FULL MOON ceremonies. stay tuned

and adding in the minor cards and the decans as well to consider and gather more symbolic info.

The UNIverse always speaks in symbols, icons, archetypes.that’s UNI meaning ONE verse.

Here are The 4 COURT cards or characters, personality cards which symbolize the signs of the 4 main planetary planetary players in the GCC. 

ARIES –  is The Queen of WANDS, FIRE- where URANUS is. In  the 2nd decan, is ruled by Leo influence,   also associated with

the 2 of WANDS as minor card, called DOMINION or SPIRITUAL STRENGTH.

CANCER – is The Queen of CUPS -WATER – where Jupiter is. In the  2nd decan ruled by SCORPIO influence,

also associated with the 2 of cups- called LOVE.

LIBRA-is The Queen of Swords-where Mars is -AIR. In  the 2nd decan, ruled by Libra, and the the 2 of swords,called PEACE.

CAPRICORN- is The Queen of Discs/Pentacles, where PLUTO is, EARTH. In the 2nd decan ruled by Virgo, and the minor card, the 2 of discs, called CHANGE.

I think the guiding words are right there. 

Spiritual strength, Love, Peace, change.

If you have a Tarot deck take out these 4 or 8 cards and gaze on them, ask the Queens to speak to you. Use each of the #2 minor cards as tools to help you. 

Any questions? Please feel free to ask.

PLEASE NOTE: those of you born around these degrees days are being affected the most. I am going to do online courses to help.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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When You wish upon a star- Mary J. Blige Barbara Streisand  

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